Monday 16 July 2012

The Curious Case of the Black Theory

It all started when some bimbo with lipstick took over the social pages.
This wasn’t about a new song but her spending behavior, she bought all the expensive booze in the expensive hang out joints, I hear, in her only charity venture she bought a car for Bebe cool’s wife.
And just last week it all went to the wire when one no nonsense Catherine Bamugemereire (who was also hot) sent the Black theory to the cell. In fact this judge completed and exceeded the saying:  from grass to grace to Club silk to Luzira (not the residential Luzira by the way).
There she went, with all her heavy makeup, the fame she had religiously robbed from Golola,  and her twitter followers (I mean the girls she walked with………………..shaaa Bad black was not on Twitter poor thing can’t even spell the darned word).
I think she got fascinated by colored things like Red Carpet, Red pepper, Chameleon, Barry White, Black Berry and thus “Bad Black”. She even beat Chameleon to the number of names: Shanitah Namuyimba a.k.a Latifah Nalukenge a.k.a Bad Black a.k.a Bad Gal A.K.A…………..oh that was all.
Some say she was a celebrity whose star dust had a sell by date and on 12th Thursday last week it simply went bad and flashed away. But as its commonly lamented fame doesn’t rub off, even if all you did was keep quiet in some South African house like Philbert (I guess you don’t remember him, well I also don’t) when you mess up or die the press will show up. So in the Black saga the media fully covered her and Meddie being forced onto the prison trucks.
Talking about Meddie, this is the one guy whose back went against the ropes on behalf of the many guys who enjoyed bad black’s “hard earned” cash, by the way by many guys I mean Coco Finger, Kim Simanya Swagga, eehhhhhhhhhh someone is screaming Bebe Cool nze I didn’t.
I saw the look on Bad black’s face and at one time I was sure she had no idea of what the entire case was about, In fact according to me she looked at this case as one of those misunderstandings where you steal from a lover’s wallet. If one journalist went to seek for her opinion, I guess she could have told them this was a price discrimination case where she overrated her services from a mere 11k to some eleven with more zeros to lean on.
She smiled when the when the judge read the sentence, a sign that she has a plan B and in this plan she will use some of the money to get a tattoo baring the entire plan of Uganda, she will use that to escape and then hide on some imaginary island she bought with part of the money and while there she will try to see that she doesn’t mysteriously find her face in one of these pages or herself on some famous musician’s lap.
And now that Bad black has been arrested, life must move on but too bad for our sloppy Ugandan babes, no white dude will offer them such amounts again too bad for them that I even asked myself “can a young nigga (read UG babe) make money anymore?” (Any similarities in that question and a Kanye West song are totally a coincident).
This Bad Black has actually charged many people’s minds, like some dude, in his letter to his future kids; they had the liberty to date older white guys “as long as they are rich” dude changed that close and went conservative.
Though on a positive note this case has proved to Ugandan guys that it’s possible to sue that Bad Black like girlfriend who probably ate your hard borrowed rent money.  By now she must have left you in a worse situation than the one Tsamboki left Golola. But you know what to do now just bad black her sorry self and she will end up being roommates with the real bad black, may be they will share the prison open bars.
Now, for at least the next for years the girl with the once biggest swag  will rub shoulders with wadens and different cooks who will of course call her by one of her many A.K.As.
And as she enjoys the yellow uniform guys on Twitter are still making sure she trends with topics like #Badblack will get out, Badblack movie titles and many more. Just like everyone, I won’t be left out and I think #BadBlackWillGetOut: when Kanye signs Kenzo….lol.

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