Bebe Cool shots two fancy videos

05:14 by tsup ug
 Seems Bebe Cool is out to outdo himself this year.
At the beginning, he released his first song of the year Nyonyi Nkeze, the song talks about a person that came early and thus managed to achieve more than the others, before people could possibly get their ears immersed with the song, the star before leaving for Nairobi for his Twende Kazi gig released another song Nkola Byafayo (am writing history) and again, before the song could fully pick momentum.
The artist is at it again, swang into action onto a video shooting spree…..
Last week he was shooting a rather fancy video for his Nyonyi Nkeze single, one of the locations is a garage of Air crafts, think he’s bringing all the swag on board.
But he wasn’t done, seems he's indeed learning a thing or two fron Radio and Weasel, on Sunday, he embarked on his Nkola Byafayo video, like Coccodiosis, this one too will feature a whole lot of Gagamel Phamily Reloaded members in their 100% Bebe Cool T.shirts.
The video is being done by Buggie Empire and Meddi Menz, but that’s not all, seems the crew got all their tricks out of the box for this video – the set even included a flying drone camera.
Its a remotely controled aircraft commonly used in military operations though also used by civilians especially during Aerial shoots and photography …..ummmm, we can’t wait to see these videos Bebe..........


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